Day 46 Mumbai to Mysore

Up at 5am to catch our plane to Bangalore then drive to Mysore.

The flight was fine but we had to pay extra because our luggage was overweight, all that is allowed is 20 lbs each, which is not a lot when traveling for 60 days.

Landed in Bangalore a city of about 8.5 million, and is known as the silicon valley of India. It’s very spread out with a large number of new skyscrapers and many more under construction, but still trash is everywhere.

We met our driver and started the 5 hour drive to Mysore. It took about 45 min to get out of the city as there was constant traffic. Then a long ride along winding roads through many small towns and villages. The landscape here is vastly different and has changed from sparse,dry and rocky to lush and green and loaded with trees and farms.